Agreement Form for Engagement of Assistant Teacher under Ssa Assam

The agreement form for the engagement of assistant teachers under SSA Assam is a vital document that must be carefully understood and filled out by all parties involved. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a government initiative to provide quality education to children in India, and the engagement of assistant teachers is a crucial part of this mission.

The SSA Assam agreement form outlines the terms and conditions of the engagement between the assistant teacher and SSA Assam. It is a legal document that must be signed by both parties before the engagement begins. Let`s take a closer look at the different sections of the agreement form.

Section 1: Personal information

The first section of the agreement form requires the assistant teacher to provide their personal information, including their name, address, date of birth, and contact details. Providing accurate information in this section is essential for the smooth functioning of the engagement.

Section 2: Engagement details

This section of the agreement form outlines the details of the engagement, including the duration of the engagement, the location where the assistant teacher will be posted, and the number of working hours per week. It also specifies the salary and other benefits that the assistant teacher will receive during the engagement.

Section 3: Duties and responsibilities

This section of the agreement form outlines the duties and responsibilities of the assistant teacher, including teaching, lesson planning, student assessment, and other administrative tasks. This section also includes a code of conduct that the assistant teacher must follow during the engagement.

Section 4: Termination of engagement

This section of the agreement form outlines the circumstances under which the engagement can be terminated, such as a breach of contract or unsatisfactory performance. It also includes a notice period that must be provided by both parties before the engagement is terminated.

Section 5: Signature and date

The final section of the agreement form requires both parties to sign and date the document. This section emphasizes the binding nature of the agreement and ensures that all parties have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions.

In conclusion, the agreement form for the engagement of assistant teachers under SSA Assam is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions of the engagement. It is essential for both the assistant teacher and SSA Assam to carefully read and understand the document before signing it. With the right approach, this agreement form can help to create a positive and productive environment for quality education in India.