List of Common Contractions in English

Contractions are a staple of the English language, used both in spoken and written communication. They are created by combining two words into one and replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe. Contractions are commonly used to make speech and writing more efficient and natural-sounding, and they make it possible to convey information more quickly.

It`s important to note that not all contractions are appropriate for every situation. In formal writing, such as academic papers or legal documents, contractions should be avoided. However, in casual or informal contexts, contractions are not just accepted but expected.

Here is a list of some of the most common contractions in English:

1. I`m (I am)

2. You`re (You are)

3. He`s (He is)

4. She`s (She is)

5. It`s (It is)

6. We`re (We are)

7. They`re (They are)

8. That`s (That is)

9. What`s (What is)

10. There`s (There is)

11. Can`t (Cannot)

12. Couldn`t (Could not)

13. Didn`t (Did not)

14. Doesn`t (Does not)

15. Don`t (Do not)

16. Won`t (Will not)

17. Wouldn`t (Would not)

18. Shouldn`t (Should not)

19. Hasn`t (Has not)

20. Haven`t (Have not)

These are just a few examples of the most commonly used contractions in English. However, there are many more out there and some may be specific to certain regions or dialects.

When using contractions, it`s important to pay attention to the context and audience. In formal settings, contractions should be avoided, while in casual settings, they are seen as completely natural. Using contractions in the wrong context may come across as unprofessional or inappropriate.

In conclusion, contractions are an important part of the English language, making communication more efficient and natural-sounding. With this list of common contractions, you should be able to communicate more efficiently and effectively, while still maintaining a professional tone when needed.