Pipsc Av Tentative Agreement

After months of negotiations, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and the Treasury Board of Canada have reached a tentative agreement. This agreement will cover nearly 60,000 public service professionals who work in various sectors across the country.

The tentative agreement includes several significant updates, including wage increases and improvements to job security. The deal also includes a new provision for parental leave, which will allow new parents to take up to 18 months of leave while receiving 93% of their salary.

One of the most significant changes in the tentative agreement is the inclusion of a new framework for pay equity. This framework will ensure that all PIPSC members receive equal pay for work of equal value, regardless of gender or other factors.

The tentative agreement also includes a new process for resolving grievances, which will be faster and more efficient than the current process. This change will help to ensure that workplace disputes are resolved quickly and fairly.

Overall, the tentative agreement represents a significant step forward for PIPSC members and the Canadian public service. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of both the union and the Treasury Board in reaching a fair and equitable agreement.

While the tentative agreement still needs to be ratified by PIPSC members and approved by the Treasury Board, it is an important milestone in the ongoing efforts to improve working conditions and job security for public service professionals across the country.